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The Center promotes the establishment of training courses, update courses and specialization courses aimed at health workers in order to obtain correct and timely diagnoses which allow the implementation of adequate prevention and treatment:

  • Veneto Region School Courses
  • Pediatrician Courses
  • Training Internships
  • National and International Conferences

Veneto Region School Courses

The center, in collaboration with the Regional Education Office and the Association of patients Food Allergy Italia, promotes training courses for teachers and workers of all schools, for the proper management of allergy and food anaphylaxis. These courses are mounthly and are made by multidisciplinary team consisting of: Allergist Pediatrician, Psychologist, Dietician and Forensic.

Training Internships

The Center offers specific training to trainees of the Padoa University in the management and psychological research on the quality of life and promoting the welfare of children and adolescents with severe food allergies and their family.

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